Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Week 26!!!!

We started to register -- Kind of. It's a giant task, but a lot of fun.

John is finished with Real Estate School!!!! YAyyy! He takes his License Exam on Thursday - Please say prayers! After that, he will officially be a part of the Huff Realty Treas Team. How exciting!

John and I celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary this past weekend (July 11th).. it was an incredible day! We've come so far in 2 years of marriage.. God has completely blessed us in SO many ways, we need to really write a book!

We are going to paint the baby's room furniture this week maybe. We went to Lowes to pick out some paint colors - all off white, they all look the same... :) Oh well. So the crib will be a dark wood color, and the dresser and furniture will be off white. As far as a "theme" goes for the room... I dont think there is one! I like owls, and birds, and turtles, and so i guess the theme would be owlirdurtles. Colors, Well I love colors! I'm in bad shape here! we need to narrow it down! John likes simple, of course, and I do too, but I keep leaning torwards colors colors colors! pinks and purples and greens and blues and oranges (oh my!)

John and I are headed to Indianapolis this weekend for my aunt's wedding --- yayy!! We get to see my mom's side of the family finally! My Grandma is SOO excited about being a great-grandma -- I can't explain the joy I get out of that. It's just awesome:)

Went to my monthly checkup yesterday, all is well. Baby Girl & Momma are healthy, John is taking GREAT care of us!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Update. 24 weeks :o)

AH! So much has happened to try to update. We've been interviewing pediatricians, doulas, baby shopping, and getting all kinds of ready.
John put up the baby crib :) it is precious. We are having a GIRL ! - NO names yet, we wont know until she arrives. Of course we have some ideas, but we'll just keep them until we're sure. This is the fun time of pregnancy.. I feel great, John and I are just so excited to be parents!

I'm delivering at Good Samaratin Hospital- very comfortable with that. I've heard so many great things about them. We're now going to Tri-Health Nurse Midwives and we love it! The women in the office are so wonderful & they LOVE that Heather and I are pregnant together. Its very encouraging and much different than the clinic - where most of the patients are there by accident. :) We are going to be delivering as naturally as possible, and have a plan.. but our plan is basically educating ourselves on our options, knowing when its time to make a tough decision, and then allowing God to protect, and control this (and really all) situations. Gosh that sounds so simple on paper, but we all know its much harder to actually let go of fears and anxieties.

I've been doing prenatal Yoga - it is AWESOME, very relaxing and it's wonderful time with God. I'm very bad at it right now, but working on stretching my muscles and learning to relax.
John's been SUPER busy, he is now a Graduate of Northern Kentucky University with a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science!! Its SOOOO exciting and Freeing! He's almost finished with Real Estate school and is itchin to get working at it. I'm so proud :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

We Are Here, We Are Here, We Are Here!!

I felt the baby move today!!!!! OMgosh the weirdest, best feeling ever. I wasnt sure what it was I felt, and then it hit me.. that was The Dood!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Car Seat!

We were blessed with a New Car Seat yesterday!! I cant believe it! It look so weird, and yet beautiful, in our home.. It got John and I super excited about whats coming up! Thank you SO much Sally and Jerel!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Random Thoughts Today

I went baby shopping with Alyson this past weekend.. it was FUN and very "whelming" (H). I found an awesome crib at Pottery Barn (insert laugh here)! It was fun to look at but the $500 price tag is enough to break anyone's baby bank.. or heart! Also I found Crib bedding. Its very simple, owls and trees, and I love it. Target for less than 20 bucks! Can't beat it. :) I'm getting antsy about getting the room together already! We've got a while.
The Boss said I was getting fat today.. I laughed because its true. It's a good fat! I feel healthy, and I pray everyday that this little one is growing healthy and is safe.
Caitlin is having a BOY!!! She snuck an ultrasound in at work (lucky). I'm so stinkin happy for them, the growing Theiss family! Now to see what Michelle is having! Heather will have a boy.. but we'll find that out in November! I've decided I THINK I want to wait to find out what we're having, at least for a while. Maybe we can have the doctor write it down and then when we decide we are ready, John and I can open it at home or something. I want to try to wait until dood is born though. John does not, he wants to know like yesterday.
We have our first appointment with the Trihealth Midwives on May 11th. We are super excited about it, they've answered all of our questions over the phone and we werent told to google anything!
Love to you all

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Belly Brain.

Three Months. Belly started to pop out TODAY.. will need to go shopping :o)